- ・挑戦・努力・鍛練・全て明日への1歩。感動・感嘆・歓喜・全て明日への輝き。賞賛・表彰・感謝・全て明日への自信。
- 全ての壁を乗り越え 記念すべき瞬間…
- 人は感動し やがて思い出と…
- いつまでも熱い鼓動と誇りを The end crowns the work !!
- ・Effort・Challenge・Discipline・They are all steps towards tomorrow .
- ・Inspiration・Admiration・Jubilation・They are all connected to commendation.
- ・Acclamation・Commendation・Appreciation・They are all connected to your confidence.
- If you overcome all abstacles, you should remember the moment…
- If it touches you cleeply, soon memories will be made…
- Always keep your heart pumping and proud. The end crowns the work !!